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发布时间:2022-05-15 源自:句子大全网 阅读(

  1、我有什么好处?what’s in it for me?

  2、你一点都没变!you haven’t changed a bit!

  3、我改变主意了。i changed my mind.

  4、还是有希望的。there’s still hope.

  5、他的话不可信。don’t believe a word he says.

  6、你在哪里买的?where’d you get it?

  7、真是失望透顶。what a disappointment.

  8、这下你可糟了!you really did it this time!

  9、我看他不顺眼。he rubs me the wrong way.

  10、我会找你算帐!you’ll pay for this.


  11、简直无法相信!i can’t believe it!(若在前加上“oh,my god.”,语气会加重)

  12、眼睛放亮一点!open your eyes!

  13、我懂你的意思。i know what you mean.

  14、只好等着看喽!just wait and see.

  15、真的还假的啊?is that for real?/really?

  16、照着做就对了。just do what it says.

  17、请你放尊重点!treat it with respect.

  18、我们来表决吧!let’s take a vote.

  19、这下没指望了!it’s hopeless!

  20、我们刚才说到哪?where were we?

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